The Blue Morpho (voiced by Paul F. Tompkins) is the father of The Monarch and a famous superhero who once saved the life of the Team Venture in the Adult Swim animated series The Venture Bros. He gave his first appearance with her wife and Dr. Jonas Venture as the Blue Morpho was in Faking Miracles. Although he is an egotistical, vainglorious and self-centered person he preferred to develop a public persona as an unpredictable vigilante. Doctor Z described him as the fast and the loyal friend of Doctor Venture; he willing to do anything Jonas asked to him.

Like fans and followers, findurfuture, influenced by the Blue Morpho cartoon from Venture bros season 6, shares the costume guide as given below.

The Blue Morpho Coat: Amazon

For venture bros cosplay, you need this blue trench coat which is available in different sizes at the product page. You can also use all the items in the costume guide after Halloween as office as well as casual wear except fedora hat and eye mask.

Long Sleeves Button Down Dress Shirts: Amazon

Select button down venture bros shirt in navy blue color from more than twelve colors available at the product page. These slim fit shirts are made with cotton and polyester which give you a gentleman look in the office and casual wears.

Microfiber Beautiful Neckties Xmas Gift: Amazon

Morphsuit is incomplete with the green tie; there are several different colors of ties are available at the product page. Perfect to wear at anniversary, celebrations and parties. We also recommend this item as one of the best Christmas gifts to the person who is most valuable in your eyes

The Blue Morpho Vest: Amazon

Five-button full back adjustable vest in navy blue be the right item for the blue Morpho venture bros characters. Further, you will check several other colors of the vest at the product page to match with the other outfit you have.

Slim Tapered Flat Front Casual Pants: Amazon

Instead of buying individual item for the Morpho cartoon costume, if you are thinking to have complete navy blue 3 piece suit than you are making mistake because you only need navy blue vest and pant as the part of the costume and blazer be replaced with the blue trench coat, therefore make decision wise before placing order online.

The Blue Morpho Hat: Amazon

The wide brim fedora hat is usually used as the fashion brand for a particular class of the consumer but in recent cases, you need a blue hat as a perfect match with your costume.

The Blue Morpho Mask: Amazon

To hide his physical status from the general public, blue morpho wears this costume mask along with other costume accessories as a superhero.

Formal Dress Gloves: Amazon

As per his name he uses each and every costume accessories in blue color; except tie which is in green color and costume boot which as in black color. Further, the product page contains several other deals for the colorful gloves which you will order to complete your collection of glove that matches with another winter.

Classic Lace Up Leather Lined Oxford Dress Shoes: Amazon

Finally, with the addition of oxford shoes, your costume gets complete and you are ready for The Blue Morpho cosplay. People who already have office shoes that they are using during working hours have no need to add this accessory. It is on your decision to buy this soft, comfortable classic style stitching vamp for yourself at Halloween; later feel the pleasure of wearing it during your office hours. To check the costume guide of other Superheroes and Super-villains Click Here!