In the animated show Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir; Lila Rossi (voiced by Lisa Kay Jennings) is an antagonist. Lisa put herself as a romantic rival to Marinette Dupain-Cheng; as both have the affection for Adrien Agreste. She serves as the villain Volpina; originally from Italy. Civilian clothes Lila based on a red jacket, blue romper, and grey tights. When she undertakes the form of Volpina her auburn hairs turn darker. Collect all the accessories of the Lila Rossi costume from Miraculous Ladybug for Halloween and cosplay.

Women’s Dark Blue Romper: Amazon

Let’s begin this costume DIY of the Lady Bug cartoon with the dark blue romper for Lila Rossi cosplay. This summer romper is a must-have item in any fashion lady’s wardrobe.

Women’s Grey Tights: Amazon

Lila Miraculous Ladybug needs this grey tight to wear under the blue romper. It is available in three colors on the product page of the Amazon store.

Women’s Red Faux Leather Jacket: Amazon

A leather jacket for Lila Rossi from Miraculous Ladybug is a must-buy item for the Miraculous Ladybug cosplay. Don’t worry if you have confusion regarding the care and long-lasting of the reader you can read this guide to accumulate your knowledge.

Women’s Brown Booties: Amazon

Volpina Lila Miraculous wear these brown booties during her civilian form. It is made with superior hand-made material, breathable Nylex lining, non-slip and wear-resistant.

Long Auburn Wig with Bangs: Amazon

You got to cart the long wavy Red wigs for Lila from Miraculous Ladybug. It is a very stylish design with a natural pretty looking and soft touch. Special colors look real and natural.

Volpina Costume – Multiple Sizes: Amazon

Children’s Volpina costume is available in different sizes on the product page; however, for adults, you have to click here. Don’t forget to see the master guide of the Miraculous Ladybug costume and Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.