In HBO The Last of Us adaptation, Sam Burrell (played by Keivonn Woodard) is the deaf younger brother of Henry. Sam and Henry planned to leave Kansas City with Ellie and Joel when they were haunted by Kathleen. As being deaf he is using American Sign Language with his elder brother to communicate; more precisely, using a magnetic notepad. Under a blue jacket, Sam wears a yellow hoodie. Use orange face paint to create an identical face mask like a superhero on your face. If you can’t find a jacket that’s quilted precisely like Sam’s, a plain puffer jacket will do. Collect all the accessories of the Sam costume from the Last of Us (HBO) for Halloween and cosplay.

Blue Puffer Jacket: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of The Last of Us costumes with the Sam Burell jacket. Cold-weather style is easy with this versatile water-resistant lightweight puffer jacket featuring a full-zip front and stand-up collar.

Mustard Yellow Hoodie: Amazon

A yellow hoodie is required to wear inside a puffer jacket for The Last of Us cosplay. Visit the product page of the Amazon store for more colors of the hoodie for your collection.

Medium Wash Blue Jeans: Amazon

If you already have blue jeans in your wardrobe for the Sam Burrell costume; then, no need to cart this item for The Last of Us show.

Orange Face Paint Stick: Amazon

Little face makeup is required for the superhero looks from Sam Burrell cosplay; therefore, you must have orange face paint to have an identical appearance.

Blue Backpack with Faux Suede Bottom: Amazon

The Sam Halloween costume needs an addition of the blue backpack; though, the choice is always yours to add this prop according to the visuals of the Last of Us filming style.

Magic Slate Toy: Amazon

Sam’s use magnetic notepad is mandatory to have for this act; because Sam communicates with Henry with sign language or the notepad.

Black Mid-Rise Shoes: Amazon

After having black shoes in your bucket you are ready for the Sam cosplay. Kindly visit our collection of gaming costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.