In the new Barbie movie 2023 by Greta Gerwig, The hilarious Will Ferrell plays the CEO of Mattel. The actual CEO of Mattel is Ynon Kreiz, who the character is based on. This character exists in the real world that Barbie enters and the costume reflects that. The CEO wears a black suit with pink details like a pink shirt and tie, representing Barbie at the company. Add pink socks for an extra fun detail and pair them with black dress shoes or black roller skates to match the suit. Collect all the accessories of the Mattel CEO costume from Barbie 2023 for Halloween and cosplay.

Black Suit: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Barbie 2023 costume with the CEO’s black suit; you can select the trouser and blazer separately according to your size.

Pink Shirt: Amazon

Inspiration with 2023 Barbie, Mattel cosplay required most of the items in pink; additionally, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more colors of the shirts.

Pink Tie: Amazon

The Mattel costume included a pink tie which purifies his representation of Barbie in the company. Further, ties are the perfect gift for a father, husband, friends, etc and there are numerous colors on sale on the linked page.

Pink Socks: Amazon

Mattel CEO from Barbie 2023 cosplay wears pink socks alongside other costume accessories; therefore, you have to cart the identical socks for this act.

Black Shoes: Amazon

You have two options buying black shoes from CEO Barbie cosplay or adding black roller skates to your cart from the link below.

Black Roller Skates: Amazon

Once you select roller skates or shoes you have collected all the accessories of Mattel CEO cosplay at Halloween. Further, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. Moreover, we appreciate it if you could share this DIY guide with your friends and family on social media.