In the Disney animated film Wish, King Magnifico (voiced by Chris Pine) is the selfish ruler of the Kingdom of Rosas. Alongside King, he is a sorcerer; hence, grants only those wishes that are beneficial to his kingdom. King Magnifico declares Asha a traitor when she wishes a star to come down from the sky. A pale blue sash, a white cape with blue lining, and a cream-colored regal outfit with a white tunic are the routine attire of King Magnifico. You have options to either purchase a costume set or build one by layering two capes together over a vintage coat held closed with a blue sash. You will also require shoes, leggings, and a costume facial hair set with a grey mustache and pointed goatee. Collect all the accessories of the King Magnifico costume from Wish for Halloween and cosplay.

King Magnifico Costume Set: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide of the Wish costume with the King Magnifico outfit. Further, this package includes everything that you need to transform into a character.

White Leggings: Amazon

 White leggings are needed for the Wish King Magnifico outfit which is not included in the above display costume set. Therefore you must have before this act.

Grey Mustache and Goatee: Amazon

Including other characters, Disney villains have equal importance in the movie. Therefore, to complete your attire cart a mustache and goatee to have an identical look.

Beige Slip on Shoes: Amazon

A pair of shoes is mandatory for the King Magnifico from Wish cosplay. Further, visit the product page of the Amazon store to grab more attractive colors as well.

White Brocade Jacket: Amazon

If you want to collect separate accessories for the Wish villain then cart a tailcoat jacket alongside shoes, mustache and goatee, and leggings.

Blue Sash: Amazon

It will not be so easy to collect an identical king sash from any store. On the contrary, you may try a blue sash instead, it will also provide a precise look over the tailcoat.

White Cape: Amazon

Two sides in different are odd in a pre-stitch cape; however, you can customize on your own by combining a white cape and a blue cape for the King Magnifica cape.

Blue Cape: Amazon

After having a blue cape in your bucket you are ready to combine it white cape shown above, hence, get ready for King Magnifico cosplay at Halloween. Moreover, visit our collection of Anime costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.