John Lennon is one of the guitarists and singers of The Beatles; with Paul McCartney, he wrote many of the band’s songs. Ringo Starr and George Harrison are the other band members; Yellow Submarine is the animated movie they starred in 1968. While riding in the Yellow Submarine, defeating the Blue Meanies the plot revolve around the Fab Four. Featuring the song in the movie, the band released an album. The aesthetic is very trippy and colorful. Collect all the accessories of the John Lennon costume from Yellow Submarine for Halloween and cosplay.

John Lennon Glasses: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY of the Yellow Submarine costume with the John Lennon glasses. The shape of the glasses is quietly reassembling with the one Harry Potter wears in the series. These retro and nerd glasses are just for fashion.

Fake Mustache: Amazon

You need a fake mustache for John Lennon Yellow Submarine cosplay. This natural-size self-adhesive false mustache is a popular choice for theatre, cosplay, etc.

Men’s Black Blazer: Amazon

John Lennon outfit required this black blazer as one of the mandatory costume accessories. The fit style has a one-button design and is lightweight.

Lime Green Shirt: Amazon

Besides Yellow Submarine characters we decided initially to focus on the accessories of the John Lennon costume. Several other colors are available on the product page of the Amazon store.

Pink Flower Patches: Amazon

You to iron these iron patches on the lime green shirt display above for John Lennon fancy dress. These are top-quality and detailed embroidery patches.

Red Belt: Amazon

The belt has traditional look in modern style. You find yourself in a fancy dress after wearing Joh Lennon hippie outfit.

Men’s Purple Jeans: Amazon

The Beatles Yellow Submarine presents Lennon in the purple Jeans. Visit the product page to grab a variety of colors from the Yellow Submarine store.

Red Fabric Paint: Amazon

It is difficult to search for pants with two colors stipes. BY using a customized option you can have nice pants for your Yellow Submarine cosplay.

Yellow Fabric Paint: Amazon

With the help of yellow and red fabric lines down the pants. All paints come in easy-squeeze bottles so they’re user-friendly for hands of all ages.

Black Dress Shoes: Amazon

After having dress shoes you have collected all the accessories for John Lennon cosplay. Kindly visit our collection of Disney costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.