In the French animated series Totally Spies! Alexandra (voiced by Katie Griffin in English and Céline Mauge in French) is a member of WOOHP. Alexandra works under Jerry Lewis taking dangerous missions, alongside fellow spies Clover and Samantha. Alexandra’s spy costume consists of a yellow costume with gloves and boots. Alex wears her hair in a chic black bob. In order to recreate her spy look, you need to detail the yellow bodysuit with some foam padding to emulate the high-tech look of the original costume without having to call in a favor to your local spy agency. Collect all the accessories of the Alexandra costume from Totally Spies! for Halloween and cosplay.

Black Bob Wig: Amazon

Let’s begin this DIY guide of the Totally Spies! costume with the Alexandra wig. These fashionable and stylish bob wigs look pretty, attractive, and feminine. It makes you a star in fancy dress, cosplay, Halloween, and Christmas parties. Visit the product page of the Amazon store for more colors as well.

Yellow Catsuit: Amazon

Alex Totally spies need a yellow suit to become teenage spies. Super stretchy fabric is perfect for dance practice. For more colors of spandex suits, you have to visit the product page of the Totally Spies store.

Silver Fashion Belt: Amazon

The wide elastic waist belt is made of faux leather and exquisite buckle, with comfortable elastic material, which is easy to wear.

Grey Foam Helmet Pads: Amazon

Have you noticed the Alex Totally Spies outfit; apply to the body suit, shoulders, elbows, etc. Different shapes of foam pads and sticky hook & loop circles provide maximum comfort and stability.

Yellow Elbow Gloves: Amazon

You need to cover your hands with the elbow gloves for Totally spies cosplay. It is made with faux leather comfortable and perfect for Halloween cosplay.

Yellow Heeled Booties: Amazon

After having booties in your bucket you are ready for Alexandra cosplay. Kindly visit our collection of Cartoon & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas.