The Demogorgon is a faceless monster upside down in the Netflix show Stranger Things. It forces its way into Hawkins, Indiana, killing Barbara Holland, and hunting Will Byers; however, it is eventually killed by Eleven. In the game Dead by Daylight, the Demogorgon debuted in Chapter XIII: Stranger Things and is shown wrapped in chains. It is also the first entirely non-human killer of the game. Collect all the accessories of the Demogorgon costume from Deas by Daylight and Stranger Things for Halloween and cosplay.

Demogorgon Body Suit Costume: Amazon

Let’s begin the DIY guide to Stanger Things costume with the Demogorgon body suit. You will find differently made costumes at the Amazon store; however, the displayed one closely resembled the real Demogorgon.

Demogorgon Mask: Amazon

Demogorgon from Dead by Daylight costume requires a mask to cover the entire face. It features the Demogorgon’s open mouth, so its teeth and muscles are visible.

Plastic Prop Chains: Amazon

There is a little different appearance as compared to Dead by Daylight and Stranger Things cosplay is the Chain. So, you have a choice either perform with or without a chain.

Prop Shackles: Amazon

After wrapping the monster buddy in the chain, shackles give the precise look. Besides Strange Things season 4, shackles are available in standard size.

Dirt Powder: Amazon

The actual appearance of the Demogorgon of Netflix Stranger Things comes with the dart power that you have to apply to your body and face.

Fake Blood: Amazon

After having fake blood in your bucket you are ready for Demogorgon cosplay at Halloween; Just you have to add liberal amounts of blood to achieve the desired look. Kindly visit our collection of Cartoons & Fairy Tales costumes for more Halloween costume ideas. If you like this DIY guide, share it with your friends and family on social media.